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LATA-Sharp Remediation Services Wins K-33 Demolition Project

On April 6, 2010, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) issued a task order to LATA-Sharp Remediation Services, LLC (LSRS) for demolition and disposition of Building K-33, located in the Oak Ridge Reservation’s East Tennessee Technology Park. Building K-33 measures 1,450 ft. X 970 ft. X 82 ft. and has approximately 64 acres of floor space on two levels. All Uranium Enrichment process equipment and associated equipment were removed from the facility in a previous decontamination and decommissioning project more than ten years ago. LSRS will demolish the facility above the ground floor slab level and will size and dispose of the demolition waste at an onsite waste disposal facility. LSRS is teamed with Fluor Federal Services, Inc, EnergySolutions, Tetra Tech, and Claiborne Hauling for the execution of this highly visible and important task for the DOE. The project will be performed with funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.


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