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LATA Receives Three Major Contract Awards

Building on its past success with its government clients, LATA recently received three major contracts.

In January 2010, LATA was awarded a significant task order under its Long Term Response Action (LTRA) contract with the Kansa City District of the US Army Corps of Engineers. The Task Order covers the design, construction and operation of a remedial program at a former Atlas Missile site in Wamego, Kansas. The work includes source removal, In-Situ Chemical Oxidation, Soil Vapor Extraction and Monitored Natural Attenuation of TCE contamination in both soil and groundwater.

Also in January 2010, LATA received Notice to Proceed for the Metra Global Positioning System (GPS) Train Location System Upgrade. Under this contract, LATA will finalize and obtain approval of our design, develop software, procure hardware, support the installation, provide training to conductors and headquarters personnel, and maintain the new GPS train location system that will be installed in 1,300 rail cars and at Metra’s downtown

In February 2010, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) issued to LATA a Remedial Action Contract (RAC2) for Region 2: the New York / New Jersey area, as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. As a RAC2 contractor, LATA will provide environmental and engineering services to support EPA’s remedial planning and oversight activities.


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