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LATA-Bay West Awarded Contract for Second Atlas Missile Site Remediation

Under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Kansas City District Pre-placed Remedial Action Contract (PRAC), LATA-Bay West will serve as the environmental remediation contractor at the Schilling Air Force Base S-5 former Atlas missile site in McPherson, KS. This is the second Atlas Missile Site remediation project to be performed by LATA for the Kansas City District.

In early 2011, LATA completed field construction for the remediation of the Former Forbes Atlas Missile Site S-7, in Wamego, KS. Under the Forbes contract, LATA reduced concentrations of TCE and other chlorinated VOCs in groundwater to below cleanup criteria by: (1) removing and replacing a transfer pipeline from the main sump to the sediment trap, (2) installing a soil vapor extraction system to remove contaminant mass from the unsaturated zone within the source area, (3) performing an in-situ chemical oxidation remedy to treat contaminant mass in the groundwater, and (4) implementing a monitored natural attenuation program to observe natural remediation in the remainder of the off-site groundwater plume.

Under the Schilling task order, LATA-Bay West will provide geological investigation, engineering, well installation, in-situ bioremediation, soil vapor extraction, construction services, and long term environmental monitoring to remediate contamination from the site soils and groundwater. The contract period of performance runs through July 2016. For background on the history of the Atlas Missile Program visit


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