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Department of Energy’s Paducah Site Reaches Safety Milestone

On August 8, 2001 the U.S. Department of Energy’s Paducah Site reached a major safety milestone in its progress toward completing cleanup objectives. LATA Environmental Services of Kentucky Team, the Department’s prime contractor, exceeded 750,000 hours without a lost workday case. The milestone exemplifies excellence in Conduct of Operations and Integrated Safety Management. The safety milestone is especially significant because American Recovery and Reinvestment Act crews – who were previously inexperienced with unique hazards found at nuclear facilities – worked daily in inactive, contaminated buildings. Before starting work, Recovery Act personnel received training in hazardous materials handling, hazard communication, regulatory compliance, safety systems, using self-protective gear, emergency response, and operating mobile equipment. In addition, mobile cranes and robotic machinery were used to enhance safety while expediting cleanup.


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