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On August 1, 2018, Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc. (LATA) was awarded a 10-year contract with an overall ceiling of $275,000,000 as one of the prime contractors for a U.S. EPA Environmental Services and Operations (ESO) contractin EPA Regions 4, 5, 6, and 7. LATA has historically managed CERCLA, RCRA, Department of Defense and Department of Energy projects within these four regions and under this contract will use a traditional prime-sub teaming approach to minimize performance risk to EPA and provide a single proven firm with full responsibility and capability to execute the work.

LATA is teamed with three firms to efficiently respond to EPA’s needs anywhere in the four-region area. Terracon, headquartered in Olathe, KS, has 80+ offices and has been a subcontractor to LATA on our Texas Bases performance-based remediation contract for over six years and has successfully supported LATA on other projects throughout the geographic project area. S&ME, headquartered in Raleigh, NC, has 28 offices and is currently supporting LATA on projects in Region 5. Professional Environmental Engineers, headquartered in St. Louis, currently serves EPA Region 7 on a ROC4 contract, previously served EPA Region 7 on the ROC3 contract, and serves as a RAC/AES Team Subcontractor in Regions 7 and 4.

The LATA Team provides EPA a resource with over 120 total primary relevant offices and 1,500 personnel to perform all of the services listed in the Performance Work Statement.


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