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LATA Wins Two Awards at LANL

LATA-Atkins Technical Services, LLC (LATS), with LATA as managing member, was recently awarded a task to decontaminate and stabilize the Clarifier 1 tank located within TA-50 BLDG-0001 at LANL. The primary object of stabilizing Clarifier 1 is to empty and isolate the unit so that it will not pose any threat to the environment (groundwater and air) until closure. In preparation for clarifier decontamination and dismantlement, LATS will design and construct a temporary negative pressure containment structure utilizing High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtered ventilation. Major work elements include clarifier washdown to reduce the hazards posed by residual materials. equipment and dissolution tank removal, piping removal, removal of the chemical feed system and packaging, transporting and disposing of project wastes.

LATA was also awarded a Task Order Contract for demolition, decontamination, and renovation of facilities at LANL. This IDIQ contract enables LATA to bid on tasks for up to $75M in D&D services during the 3 year base period. The contract also includes three option years. LATA received this award based on its demonstrated excellence in safety, its knowledge of the LANL site, its presence as a Northern New Mexico Small Business, and its more than 20-year history of successfully executing challenging D&D projects throughout the DOE Complex at sites such as LANL, Portsmouth, Paducah and ETTP.

LATA President and CEO, Linda Kobel, stated “We are extremely pleased to have been awarded two more contracts at LANL and, as a New Mexico Corporation, are dedicated to growing and expanding our offices in Albuquerque and Los Alamos. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Triad as they execute the important laboratory management, nuclear operations, national security and scientific research mission at LANL.


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