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LATA Awarded TA-21-257 Delta Prime Site Aggregate Area Delayed Sites Project

LATA has been awarded a fixed price contract by N3B, the prime contractor for the Los Alamos National Laboratory Environmental Remediation project, to complete the TA-21-257 Delta Prime (DP) Site Aggregate Area Delayed Sites Project. TA-21 is located on DP Mesa on the northern boundary of the Los Alamos National Laboratory immediately east-southeast of the Los Alamos town site.

LATA’s scope includes characterization, D&D, universal waste removal, asbestos and hazardous materials abatement, decontamination, demolition, size reduction, and packaging the Radiological Liquid Waste Treatment Facility (Building 21-257). Additional scope includes excavating and removing the DP West radiological industrial waste lines; performing investigative soils characterization and remediation, and development and approval of the investigation report in accordance with Consent Order requirements.

LATA has engaged Applied Nuclear Services, Inc. as A team subcontractor.

Building TA-21-257, constructed in 1966, was the TA-21 radiological liquid waste treatment facility designed to treat liquid waste from DP Site operations and prepare the waste for disposal. It is approximately 4,000 ft². General construction is reinforced concrete and concrete masonry unit walls with a built-up roof containing bituminous roofing materials, tar and gravel.

LATA’s President and CEO, Linda Kobel, stated: “LATA has supported environmental restoration at LANL from the early 1990’s through the mid 2010’s. The award of this contract continues and refreshes LATA’s longstanding support to LANL.”


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